Article, security

5 Tips for Network Security in 2017: Part 2

If you skipped Part 1 → go back.

In this blog, I want to change your thought pattern on how to stop Internet Malware.

The first and most important premise of this is for you to understand it is not just malware that is a security risk. Every part of your life can be impacted by the risks of security. This includes your identity, medical records, financial transactions, private confidential data, private confidential business data and the impact of your daily routines.

Malware is just one of the areas you need to be aware of. The other risks are also as prevalent as malware and should be considered.

The tip of Part 2 is to be paranoid. Be paranoid about all you do when it comes to the internet. If you assume that you are safe, this is how you will be compromised. (You know what assuming does…)

Now if you are still looking for tips to help you be paranoid, I am getting there.

  1. Don’t do any financial transactions without Two Factor Authentication. Two Factor Authentication is standard for financial institutions. This is a process where you put in a username, password, and a generated code sent to you at the moment of login.
  2. Don’t save passwords. Do you like to save passwords in a browser or you have computers that you use often and want to save the login? Resist the temptation. Here’s an example. My bank has a mobile application and I can’t save the password, however I can save the initial login. I, personally, choose not to save the login name either.
  3. Have strong passwords. There is not enough I can say about this. Most of your logins require this, right now. Don’t make the logins generic. Don’t have your pets/child/spouse’s name in your password. A good computer hacker, ethical or not, can spend ten minutes on social media to find that your spouse’s name is Lori and you were married in 2004. Once they have this, they will use a password generator to put in all the combinations of Lori2004 until one works.
  4. Wireless networks are so nice but also represent a security risk. When on a wireless network, do not perform tasks that are password related. Stay off social media and banking websites. Use these times to read articles about your favorite basketball team, which should always be UNC.
  5. Don’t give out your passwords to anyone. Don’t make one generic password for all to guess. Make sure your passwords are different for each application or site. Yes, this stinks, however you can always use a password manager like LastPass, KeePass, and Roboform. I do not advocate the use of these password managers, but if you are not going to make strong passwords, these are more secure.

If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to reach out. IRIS Solutions is here to help.

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